June 17, 2022


Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) is seeking to hire a Trainer(s) to conduct Social Psychology and counseling training for agricultural tutors from 29 Agricultural Training Institutes. The trainer (s) is free to propose the methodologies and tools that will be used in the training. These Terms of Reference (ToR) serve as a request for proposals from individual consultants/firms interested in conducting this training.

The objective of the assignment

The objective of this assignment is for agricultural tutors to improve their skills, knowledge, and confidence in the provision of psychology and counseling to students. The tutors will be capacitated in social and educational psychology as well as counseling to be able to support students in areas of learning, participation, dealing with academic and social challenges, mental health, and overall academic performance to be able to improve according to expectations.

Expected outcomes of the training.

At the end of the training, we expect that the trainees will be able to: 

  • Explain the concept of psychology and counseling;
  • Provide basic psychology and counseling to students;
  • Explain the concept of intellectual development;
  • Explain the concept of how learning occurs and to use acquired knowledge and skills to support students in their academic careers;
  • Understand the concept of psychological disorders especially those that would interfere with students’ academic outcomes and relationships with colleagues and tutors;
  • Recognize anxiety, anger, self-esteem, and social anxiety problems and provide advice accordingly and
  • Develop their unique counseling framework for handling abuse of any form, providing psychology and counseling to students and staff.

Expected deliverables

The following deliverables are expected from the facilitator/trainer.

  • A technical proposal indicating the detailed training methodologies, training contents, sources, three-day training program, and training materials will be discussed and approved by SAT team before training starts.
  • Carry out face-to-face training to trainees for 3 days
  • Comprehensive training report of the training assignment
  • Deliver notes which may be shared in soft or hard copy materials
  • An electronic copy of all training materials and contents including presentations, videos, and other resources of relevant materials on social psychology and counseling.

Profile/consultancy requirements 

  • Master’s degree in psychology or social work with demonstrated strong experience in social work/counseling or another related field that is in line with the training objective and scope of the assignment (item 4.0 and 5.0 or any relevant field);
  • Demonstrated experience and proven records in undertaking similar assignments;
  • Minimum 7 years experience as a psychological counselor, social worker, and educational psychologist in a variety of cases
  • Have experience in the field of facilitation of training and especially social psychology and counseling;
  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication, reporting, and facilitation skills, including in multi-cultural settings;
  • Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments, at least 3 references of clients;
  • Awareness of the cultural and social context of non-majority and working with vulnerable groups will be considered an advantage and
  • Proficiency in adult-learning principles.

Application and Documentation

Interested qualified trainers are invited to submit their applications. Trainers who meet the requirements should submit the following; application letter (EOI), Curriculum Vitae, conceptual inception report showing how you intend to achieve the stated objectives, previous experience (sample work and references), proposed five days training program, and budget for undertaking the assignment. Please send your application electronically via by 29th June 2022 with the subject line of the email Social

Psychology and counseling Training. A review of proposals will be done on the 1st of July 2022. Award giving of the assignment to the suitable trainer will be on 4th July 2022. NB: The deadline for submission of EOI will be on 29th June 2022 at 1700hrs East African Time. Late EOIs and portions of EOI, shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances. Only awarded consultant(s) will be contacted.




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