June 14, 2022


Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) is seeking to hire a Trainer(s) to conduct customer relationship management training for front desk officers from the ministry of agriculture and supporting staff from 29 Agricultural Training Institutes. The trainer (s) is free to propose the methodologies and tools that will be used in the training. These Terms of Reference (ToR) serve as a request for proposals from individual consultants/firms interested in conducting this training.

The objective of the assignment

The success of any organization depends on how they treat internal and external customers. Customers need correct information from people whom they trust within an organization. Developing a customer-centric organization, whereby employees will take responsibility of taking care of their customers is therefore very crucial.

The objective of this assignment aims at enabling participants to provide outstanding customer service and identify efficient and innovative ways of providing quality service within their respective Departments in the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural Training Institutes. It is also expected to motivate staff members to find innovative solutions to the challenges they encounter in executing their daily tasks. Therefore, the training provider shall include all the basic concepts and best international practices necessary to achieve the stated objective of this training program which is geared toward assisting organizations in identifying methods for building customer-centric organizations that will automatically improve organizational performance.

Expected deliverables

The following deliverables are expected from the facilitator/trainer. 

  1. A technical proposal indicating the detailed training methodologies, training contents, sources, three-day training program, and training materials will be discussed and approved by SAT team before training starts.
  2. Carry out face-to-face training to trainees for 3 days
  3. Comprehensive training report of the training assignment
  4. Deliver notes which may be shared in soft or hard copy materials
  5. An electronic copy of all training materials and contents including presentations, videos, and other relevant materials on customer relationship management.

Application and Documentation 

Interested qualified trainers are invited to submit their applications. Trainers who meet the requirements should submit the following; application letter (EOI), Curriculum Vitae, technical proposal showing how you intend to achieve the stated objectives, previous experience (sample work and references), proposed five days training program, and budget for undertaking the assignment. Please send your application electronically via by 25th June 2022 with the subject line of email Customer Relationship Management Training. A review of proposals will be done on the 20th of April 2022. Award giving of the assignment to the suitable trainer will be on 28th June 2022. NB: The deadline for submission of EOI will be on 25th June 2022 at 1700hrs East African Time. Late EOIs and portions of EOI, shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances. Only awarded consultant(s) will be contacted.


No phone calls or in-person applications will be accepted, so there is no need to follow up. 

To learn more about the scope of work please download the ToR here

Terms of Reference


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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

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